Water Connection Fees

If your project requires a new or upsized water meter, an SDC will apply for the cost of the meter, plus installation.  For the current water meter SDC rates, please see the document attached below. When a meter is upsized, credit will be given for the existing water meter. This fees is used for maintaining our clean water system through the water system fund.

Category: System Development Charges
What Are the Requirements for a Trip Generation and Distribution Description?

The Trip Generation and Distribution Description includes an estimate of the number of trip ends for each mode of travel (passenger vehicle, truck, walking, cycling, transit, etc.).  Trip generation estimates for all modes should be based on the character of the proposed development and the surrounding neighborhood, available regional data, and accepted national resources.  Passenger vehicle trip generation data from the current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation should be used unless more appropriate data is available. 

If more than two truck trips per day are anticipated, include a detailed estimate of the number, vehicle size, and time of day of truck trips. The applicant will need to explain why the particular data and estimates used most accurately forecast the trip generation of the proposed development.

For proposed developments in industrial/manufacturing areas include a base trip generation in accordance with ITE 110 (General Light Industrial) development.  Staff may require and/or the developer may present a second scenario based on a different classification if it would more accurately reflect the proposed development.  The trip generation listed should reflect a reasonable ‘maximum traffic effect’ scenario under allowed zoning.

Trip distribution estimates should be based on historical data, existing and future traffic characteristics, vehicle tracking, available modeling data, and origin-destination data as available.  Estimates must be provided for all modes of travel.

If used, estimates of pass-by, internal, diverted-linked, and other types of trips should be based on commonly accepted standards (such as ITE), characteristics of the proposed development, its location on the transportation system, and other factors.  The applicant will need to explain how the calculations and estimates used most accurately forecast the trip characteristics of the proposed development.

The trip generation and distribution description need to include a review of existing Pedestrian and bicycle facilities that would be used be people to and from the proposed development, adjacent to the development, and potential connections to adjacent properties.  Each likely route should be reviewed for the adequacy of the facility to meet needs reasonably anticipated with the proposed development.  This includes identifying a safe walking route (and any needed improvements to that route) to school for residential developments within a half mile of a school or within the school district designated walk zone boundary.

City staff will review submitted trip generation and distribution descriptions. Revisions may be required to accurately (in staff judgement) reflect the anticipated trip generation and distribution of the proposed development.

Category: Tualatin Traffic Study Requirements
What do I do if I want to upgrade my card?

To upgrade to a full access library card, come in to the Tualatin Public Library with a parent or guardian who can provide ID and proof of address.

Category: Student Library Cards
When am I required to get a permit?

Permits are required for any new construction, alterations and additions to existing buildings, including structural, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical work. However, there are some exceptions to the structural requirements. If you aren't sure you need a permit, call the City of Tualatin Building Division, (503) 691-3044.

Category: General Building FAQ
Why are parks important?

Parks are vital to every community, they:

  • Connect us to nature
  • Improve health, wellness with abundant fitness opportunities
  • Create community-gathering places
  • Creates ecosystems that provide healthier air and cleaner water
Category: Parks Utility Fee
¿Por qué son importantes los parques?

Los parques son vitales para todas las comunidades, ya que estos:

  • Nos conectan con la naturaleza
  • Mejoran nuestra salud y bienestar con abundantes oportunidades para       acondicionamiento físico 
  • Crean lugares de reunión comunitaria
  • Crean ecosistemas que proporcionan aire más saludable y agua más limpia
Category: Spanish Park Utility
Are there other cities that have park utility fees?

Yes, other cities use a parks utility and charge a fee. Both nearby West Linn and Tigard charge a monthly residential park maintenance fee ranging from around $6 to over $15 a month.

Category: Parks Utility Fee
Fire and Life Safety Plan Review Fee

This fee is equal to 45% of the permit fee and covers the cost of the extra fire and life safety plan review when required.

Category: Building Permit Fees
How do these proposed projects benefit the Tualatin Community?

New trails would create connections to reduce traffic, improve pedestrian safety, and promote healthy transportation options. Expanding trail connections would make parks, schools, and transit stops accessible to more community members. 

Access to and creation of sports fields in City parks and through cost-effective partnerships with the School District, would provide places for youth health and wellness. 

Creating a new riverfront destination in Tualatin’s downtown would enhance local businesses, provide environmental education opportunities, and create a place for river access.

Category: 2022 Parks Bond
Water Meter Installation Fee

This fee is charged when a water meter is to be installed or switched and is based on the size of the meter. This covers the cost of the meter installation.

Category: System Development Charges
What are the benefits of an upgraded library card?

With a general library card account, you can borrow up to 100 items at a time, and increase holds requests to 50. You can check out more types of items, including movies, video games, items from the Library of Things, and more. See details at wccls.org/borrowing-information.

Category: Student Library Cards
What are the fees to rent a shelter?

Shelter rental fees are listed above on the Picnic Shelters website.

Category: Picnic Shelter FAQs
When Is a Transportation Impact Analysis Required?

A full Transportation Impact Analysis is required for cases (in staff’s judgement) that:

  1. Would be anticipated to generate more than 500 vehicle trip ends per day and/or more than 60 vehicle trip ends in the morning or evening peak hour and/or more than 100 vehicle trip ends during the peak hour of development traffic.  Developments anticipated to generate this amount of traffic (and thus require a Transportation Impact Analysis) include:
    1. 50 or more single-family residences,
    2. 80 or more multi-family residences,
    3. 75,000 square feet or more of industrial space,
    4. 40,000 square feet or more of office space,
    5. 10,000 square feet or more of retail space,
    6. any restaurant, convenience market, or gas station,
    7. any development with a drive-through.
  2. Would be anticipated to generate more than 20 large truck trips per day
  3. Propose a zone change that, in typical build-out scenarios, would be anticipated to generate more traffic than the previous zoning
  4. Are adjacent to a roadway where there is question about its cross section, such as the need for turn lanes at intersections or a site driveway, need for adequate queuing space between intersections and/or driveways, need for pedestrian or bicycle facilities, or other issues.
  5. Would result in significant non-residential traffic through a residential neighborhood.
  6. Would be required to submit a traffic study by the County or State guidelines for impact on their roads.
  7. There is any doubt that the existing or proposed transportation facilities in the vicinity of the proposed development are capable of accommodating the amount of traffic expected to be generated by the proposed development or that on-site facilities would adequately function without impacting public streets.
  8. A traffic study is necessary to protect the public interest.
Category: Tualatin Traffic Study Requirements
Where do I find answers to other billing questions?

Please visit the Utility Billing webpage

Category: Parks Utility Fee
Where do I get permit applications?

Permits are now available online!  Visit the online permit system eTrakit.  If you have questions please call (503) 691-3044. 

Category: General Building FAQ
Can I sign up more family members online?

When you sign up on our Summer Reading Website, you will automatically be asked if you'd like to register more adults or children for Summer Reading. You can still sign more readers up later by clicking "Add a Reader" after logging in.

Category: Summer Reading 2017
Deferred Submittal Fee

This fee applies to non-residential projects when additional permit applications and/or project information will be provided at a later date. The deferred submittal fee is an amount equal to 65 percent of the building permit fee calculated in accordance with OAR 918-050-110(2) and (3) using the value of the particular deferred portion of the project with a minimum fee of $360.00. This fee is in addition to the project plan review fee based on the total project value.  The deferred submittal fee covers the cost of revisiting a project for review. Deferred submittal fees are not required when all information is submitted at the time of application. 

Category: Building Permit Fees
Does a library card cost anything?

A WCCLS library card is free! There are no fines for overdue items. Accounts will be billed for items that are damaged or not returned.

Category: Student Library Cards
How much will the bond cost taxpayers?

If approved, the tax rate is estimated to increase by 29 cents per $1,000 of taxable assessed value.   Actual rates may differ based upon interest rates incurred and changes in assessed value.

Category: 2022 Parks Bond
Parks Development Fee

These rates are assessed based on a flat rate for each new dwelling unit for single-family and multi-family residential development. Non-residential rates are determined using development categories and any new square footage or change of use.

Category: System Development Charges
What are the capacity limits for each shelter?

Tualatin Community Park
Full Main Shelter – max 150 people (22 picnic tables)
North/South Main Shelter – max 75 people (11 picnic tables)
Patio Shelter – max 35 people (4 picnic tables)
Rustic Shelter – max 60 people (6 picnic tables)
Trestle Shelter – max 48 people (6 picnic tables)

Ibach Park
West Large Shelter– max 48 people (8 picnic tables)

Jurgens Park
Large Shelter– max 36 people (6 picnic tables)

Atfalati Park
Playground Shelter - max 24 people (4 picnic tables)

Park maps are attached below on the Picnic Shelters website.

Category: Picnic Shelter FAQs
What Area Must Be Studied in the Transportation Impact Analysis?

Prior to determining the study area, the applicant must obtain City staff approval of the Trip Generation and Distribution Description (see above) for the proposed development. 

The Transportation Impact Analysis must include a comprehensive study of at least the following areas:

  1. All proposed site access points to the public street system.
  2. All roads and intersections along the frontage of the subject property.
  3. Any road or intersection where the proposed development would be anticipated to generate more than 500 additional vehicle trips per day or more than 60 vehicle trips in a single hour.  If a two-way-stop-controlled intersection functions acceptably and the proposed development would add less than 50 trips per day on the minor leg, it need not be included by this criterion.
  4. The route(s) trucks would use from the site to the arterial system must be identified for all developments and analyzed for truck travel if used for more than 10 truck trips per day.
  5. Walking and cycling routes to transit stops within ¼ mile, parks and retail areas within ½ mile and, for residential developments, schools within 1 mile.
  6. Any other areas where, in staff judgement, traffic study is needed to protect the public interest.
Category: Tualatin Traffic Study Requirements
What happens if I forget to send all the necessary documents and fees with the permit application?

We will contact you by phone or mail to request additional information or fees for processing your application. This may delay processing your application.

Category: General Building FAQ
¿Hay otras ciudades que tienen cuotas de servicios públicos para parques?

Sí, otras ciudades cobran servicios públicos de parques y una cuota. Tanto West Linn como Tigard, que se encuentran cerca, cobran una cuota mensual de mantenimiento del parque residencial que oscila entre $6 y más de $15 al mes.

Category: Spanish Park Utility
Do the shelters have restrooms?

The Main Shelter at Tualatin Community Park is the only shelter with an attached restroom. Ibach Park, Jurgens Park, and Atfalati Park have restrooms nearby.

Category: Picnic Shelter FAQs
