AR24-0006 - Vehicle Storage Yard - Grimm's Fuel Company

Project ID: 
Applicant Information: 
AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC
Reviewing Staff: 
Madeleine Nelson,
Project Staff Contact: 
Madeleine Nelson,
Project Type:
Land Use
Architectural Review (AR)
Project Status: 
Under Review
Date Received: 
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
18870 SW 128th Avenue
Tualatin, OR 97062
Tax Map/Lot: 

AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC, on behalf of Grimm's Fuel Company, request approval to construct a vhiecle storage lot located at 18870 SW 128th Avenue (Tax Lot: 2S121A002100). The proposal includes ±2.3-acre paved towing yard and vehicle storage area, a new stormwater facility and associated improvements. Additional improvements include sight-obscuring fencing, a trash and recycling area, and on-site landscaping, including new plantings and retained vegetation. The 10.7-acre site is zoned Light Manufacturing (ML) and has access to 128th Avenue.

Proposed Site Plan