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2025 Pumpkin Regatta Artisan Booth Application
On Sunday, October 19, the City of Tualatin will host the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta held at the Tualatin Lake of the Commons. The Pumpkin Regatta includes activities for the entire family, entertainment, and food. The main event is the costumed characters paddling giant pumpkins across the lake in a series of wacky races.
The Regatta accepts applications from artisans selling unique hand crafted fall/harvest inspired items. Examples would be hand blown glass pumpkins, ceramics, and other visual art mediums.
Deadline to submit is 5:00pm, September 12, 2025. Submissions made after this date will be placed on a waiting list and will be given an opportunity to participate if another vendor cancels.
There are a very limited number of artisan vendor spaces available at the Pumpkin Regatta and applications accepted are by invitation only. Notification of acceptance will be emailed by September 20. Once accepted the $150 vendor fee is due by October 6, 2025.
· Sunday, October 19, 2025
· 10:00am to 4:00pm
· Lake of Tualatin Commons, 8325 SW Nyberg St, Tualatin, Oregon
· Free admission to the public
· Estimated attendance: 20,000-25,000 people
· For more information about the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta visit our website at www.tualatinoregon.gov/pumpkinregatta
- Be open for business from 9:30am to 4:00pm. Early break down is not permitted.
- Arrive for set up no later than 8:00am and be ready for customers no later than 9:30am.
- The Pumpkin Regatta takes place outdoors, on paved surfaces which prohibit anchoring any supports into the ground or assuring a space without a slope.
- Artists will provide their own display structure appropriate for an outdoor event. Fall/pumpkin decor is highly encouraged to add to the overall festival experience.
- Booths must be of sound construction and must be capable of withstanding inclement weather. Tent weights are required.
- Booth must be visually presentable to adjoining booths and must not obstruct or endanger neighboring booths or the general public.
- Artist must confine booth structure and all work, boxes, chairs, and other display materials within the allotted exhibit space of 10’x10’.
- Drive up access is not available.
- Electricity is not available. No generators are allowed.
- Vendor is responsible for leaving the vendor area in the condition that it was originally received, i.e. removal of all debris such as boxes and trash.
- Vendors are strongly encouraged to avoid using non-recyclable and non-compostable products, such as plastic bags and wraps.
- There may be additional health and safety requirements as determined by Oregon Health Authority, Washington County Health Department, or the City of Tualatin.