Tualatin Library Advisory Committee Meeting

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

The Tualatin Library Advisory Committee will meet in person in the Tualatin Library Community Room. The public may watch the meeting by using the link on the agenda or by attending in person.  

The Tualatin Library Advisory Committee (TLAC) consists of seven members appointed by City Council for three-year terms. Members of the committee:

(1) Consult with and advise the Library Manager on all matters affecting operational policies of the City library;

(2) Make recommendations to the City Council with respect to services, facilities and all other matters pertaining to the maintenance and improvement of the City Library; and

(3) Hear and consider complaints about City Library policies or materials.

All meetings of the Committee are open to the public.  if you need special assistance or accommodation to participate in this meeting, contact Jerianne Thompson, Library Director, at jthompson@tualatin.gov or 503-691-3063. Notification thirty-six (36) hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting.

For those wishing to provide comment during the meeting, there is one opportunity on the agenda: Public Communications. Written statements may be sent in advance to Library Director Jerianne Thompson no later than 5pm on September 5, 2023.