Mayor's Note (September 2022)

Mayor Frank Bubenik Headshot

Since May of 2018, the City has been working on projects to provide congestion relief, improve neighborhood safety, and increase safe access to schools and parks through the Tualatin Moving Forward bond program. Much of this program’s success has stemmed from community-identified projects throughout Tualatin. 

While the Tualatin Moving Forward bond program will come to a close in 2023, the City values resident feedback and will continue to accept project suggestions to improve neighborhood transportation safety through our brand-new Neighborhood Transportation Safety Program. This program is geared towards medium-sized projects, like the installation of pedestrian-activated rapid flashing beacons and driver feedback signs that will improve transportation safety in Tualatin.  

Projects will be selected through a two-step review process and selection will be based on four guiding principles: equity, safety, feasibility, and impact. Project ideas can be submitted year-round, and will be reviewed annually for selection starting on October 1. Visit our webpage to submit a project. Thank you for sharing your ideas for improving transportation safety in Tualatin!