Potential Relocation of Tualatin Post Office

The Tualatin Post Office, currently located at 19190 SW 90th Ave is considering a potential project to relocate the retail servcies to 18859 SW Teton Ave due to a need for downsizing. This is a project proposed by the post office, and they are seeking community feedback. The City Council encourages you to read more about the potential project, and weigh in on the discussion by attending a community meeting, or by a submitting a written letter by August 25, 2016.

If you would like to provide input, all letters can be sent to:

U.S. Postal Service 

Attn: Greg Shelton- Tualatin OR

200 E Kentucky Ave 

Denver, CO 80209-9950


Community Meeting Information:

Tuesday, July 26th at 4pm in the Tualatin Library Community Room