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So You Want To Run For Office?
If you are interested in running for office the City strongly encourages you to set-up an appointment to review important filing deadlines, paperwork, and process questions. To schedule an appointment contact Nicole Morris, Deputy City Recorder, by email at nmorris@tualatin.gov or by phone at 503.691.3011.
Filing Dates
Prospective and/or Completed Petition filed: No earlier than TBD
Completed Petition filed with City Administration Office: No later than TBD
Mayor and Council seats 1, 3, and 5 are open for the November 3, 2026, General Election. (The positions are elected “at large”, not by district.)
How to File
Please review this information packet which pertains to filing for office. The Candidates Manual and Campaign Finance Manual will provide instructions to help you through the process. These manuals are available online at the Secretary of State’s Election Division website.
Step 1 - File Prospective Petition
An appointment for a Candidate Briefing to file Prospective Petition and receive important election information must be scheduled and attended by the Candidate. To schedule a Candidate Briefing contact Nicole Morris, Deputy City Recorder, by email at nmorris@tualatin.gov or by phone at 503.691.3011.
The following items must be completed for submission at the Candidate Briefing:
- Form SEL 101 Candidate Filing - Major Party or Nonpartisan
Form SEL 121 Candidate Signature Sheet- Nonpartisan with City Form COT 10-01, Affidavit (attached to each Signature Sheet) for Washington County and/or Clackamas County.
If you are not sure which position you wish to file for, you may obtain petitions for all positions, but only one completed petition may be filed.
PRIOR to gathering any signatures, signature sheets must be approved by the City Recorder. Failure to do so will result in the rejection of those signature sheets.
Step 2 - Circulate Petition/Collect Signatures
After Prospective Petition(s) is approved by the City Recorder or designee, at the Candidate Briefing, the Candidate is officially approved to circulate petition(s).
- Pursuant to the Tualatin City Charter, the candidate must collect at least ten (10) qualified signatures from Tualatin active registered voters.
- It is highly advisable to get more than the required ten (10) signatures to ensure enough valid signatures are collected.
No elector shall sign more than one petition for each vacant position. If the elector does so, the signature shall be valid only on the first sufficient petition filed for the position.
Do not sign and date your petition sheet(s) until all signatures have been gathered.
The candidate lists the names of the registered voters (taken from each SEL 121-signature sheet), signs each COT 10-01 Affidavit and has it notarized (the City of Tualatin cannot notarize).
Candidate or designee must then have signatures verified with the Washington County Elections Office.
Step 3 - File Your Completed Petition
After the signature sheets are certified, a SEL 338 Form Petition Submission, along with the certified signature sheets, must be filed by candidate or designee with the City Recorder no later than: Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 5:00 p.m.
After filing for candidacy an ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION form COT-10-02, must be signed by the candidate at the City Recorder’s Office.
Upon the City Recorder’s Office receiving the signed and dated Acceptance of Nomination form, the candidate’s name will be submitted for the November 5, 2024, General Election ballot.
Step 4 - Statement of Organization and Campaign Finance Requirements
Each candidate must establish a campaign account and file a Statement of Organization designating a candidate committee, unless the candidate meets all three of the following conditions:
- The candidate serves as the candidate’s own treasurer;
- The candidate does not have an existing candidate committee; and
- The candidate does not expect to receive or spend more than $750 during a calendar year (including personal funds).
Please review the Campaign Finance Manual for instructions and a schedule of filing deadlines.
Oregon law requires that campaign finance activities be filed electronically (with State Elections). Candidates use ORESTAR free of charge to file forms.
Voter Pamphlet
Candidate Statements for the County Voters’ Pamphlet(s) must be filed directly with either Washington or Clackamas Counties no later than 5:00 p.m., TBD, for inclusion in the respective County Voters’ Pamphlet.
Additional information concerning cost, requirements, and filing deadlines are available from either Washington County or Clackamas County Elections Offices.
Withdrawal of Candidacy or Nomination
To withdraw from candidacy or nomination, a candidate must file a Withdrawal of Candidacy of Nomination (SEL 150) with the City Recorder or designee. This form must be filed no later than 5:00 p.m., TBD; otherwise candidate’s name will be printed on the ballot.
Signage Regulations
If you have, or plan to have, signs displayed for an upcoming election please note that the City of Tualatin has regulations regarding signs:
Signs may be placed on private property with the property owner’s consent.
Signs may not be placed:
1. In the Right-of-Way
2. In the Center Medians
3. In any city-owned (or Development Commission) property