CIO Grant Program Application

Please provide the following information regarding your proposed project and submit this application to the City of Tualatin.  Grant funding is awarded in cycles throughout the year.  Deadlines for applications are the last Friday during the months of May, September or December.  Applications will be reviewed and awards will distributed in June, October and January.  If you have questions about this program, please call (503) 691-3050 or email 

Please select which CIO you live in.
Please upload a description of your proposed project expenses. This file should include the following information: Materials/Supplies cost and description Contracted Services cost and description Printing/Postage cost and description Rental cost and description Capital cost and description Other cost and description Grand Total of Expenses = (a) CIO Match is 25% of (a) $Grand Total Expenses = (b) $( ) Total Grant Award = (a) minus (b)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf pdf doc docx xls xlsx.
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