Proposed 11th Amendment

Proposed 11th Amendment Map


The Tualatin Development Commission is proposing an substantial amendment to the Leveton Tax Increment Plan. This 11th Amendment will add 7.88 additional acres and allocate funding to the Herman Road Extension Project. For more information on the proposed 11th Amendment, click here.

Substantial Amendment

A substantial amendment to an urban renewal plan is based on two factors: expansion of the area boundaries greater than 1% or an increase in maximum indebtedness. The substantial amendment is a multi-step process beginning with an approval by the Tualatin Development Commission, a 45-day consult and confer with area taxing entities, conference with Washington County, a public hearing, and final approval by the Tualatin City Council. In 1989, the City of Tualatin added an additional 33.3 acres to the Leveton Tax Increment District, exceeding 1% of area boundary. Any addition, no matter the size, would require a substantial amendment.

Herman Road Project

Identified in the Transportation Systems Plan, this proposed project will add a sidewalk/path on the north side, bike lanes on both sides, fix the drainage issues, and add a center turn lane at the industrial driveway of Herman Road. It is currently funded through preliminary design. The current budgeted cost is $2,905,000 and will be administered by the City of Tualatin Community Development and Public Works Departments.

Herman Road Project Update – June 2021

The design team has surveyed existing topographic conditions, surveyed residents and businesses, and formed a citywide project charter team.  Conceptual design options were developed based on community and charter team input, transportation needs, and the available space for the roadway and sidewalk.  The design team held a virtual open house to listen to community perspective on the conceptual designs, identified a recommended design, and confirmed it with the charter team. The recommended conceptual design.

The next step is to advance the recommended conceptual design to engineered preliminary plans, including coordinating that design with environmental agencies and the railroad, working towards final design and eventual construction. An intergovernmental agreement between the Tualatin Development Commission and the Tualatin City Council for project management services by City Staff will be drafted for consideration.

2021 Report Accompany the Leveton Tax Increment Plan

The Report Accompanying the Leveton Tax Increment Plan (Report) contains background information and project details that pertain to the Leveton Tax Increment Plan (Plan) passed in 2002. The Report is not a legal part of the Plan but is intended to provide public information and support the findings made by the Tualatin Development Commission as part of the approval of the Plan.

Next Steps
  • July 15, 2021 - Tualatin Development Commission will hold a hearing for review of the draft Amendment's conformance to the Tualatin Development Code.
  • August 3, 2021 - Washington County Board of Commissioners will be briefed.
  • August 9, 2021 - The City of Tualatin City Council will hold a public hearing .
  • August 23, 2021 - The City of Tualatin City Council will vote on the ordinance for Plan Adoption.