Stoneridge Residents Weigh-In on Area Traffic Safety Improvements

Two Children Smiling

Plans are taking shape to address traffic and pedestrian safety concerns in southeast Tualatin’s Stoneridge neighborhood – and area residents are in the driver’s seat. 

The neighborhood includes predominately multi-family housing with a significant number of Spanish-speaking households. We are involving residents at every stage of planning to identify traffic safety improvements. 

Due to the number of Spanish-speaking households, the Tualatin Moving Forward project team communicated all information in both Spanish and English. To remove language barriers, the team prepared an illustrated and Spanish language survey and outreach materials. Bilingual staff led the events, meetings, and conversations with neighborhood residents. Participation was also enhanced through a partnership with a neighborhood cleanup event. This customized approach to outreach was coordinated by Community Engagement Coordinator Betsy Rodriguez Ruef. 

Over the years, Stoneridge residents have identified four traffic safety priorities: 

  • Sidewalks: more sidewalks connecting residents with the park, school, and other destinations 
  • Pedestrian crossings: safer crosswalks, well-marked, with curb extensions 
  • On-street parking: reconfigured to improve visibility and safety for pedestrians and drivers 
  • Lighting: the street and sidewalks need more and better lighting; tree branches block some existing lights 

Multi-cultural engagement made it possible to involve community members despite COVID safety considerations. Communication tools included emails, text messages, and social media posts. Two neighborhood walk-throughs enabled participants to show and explain their issues and priorities directly to City staff. 

Construction of the traffic safety improvements is set for 2023. To learn more, go to