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PGE Staff Prepare Native Plant Demonstration Garden
Thank you to the three teams of PGE employees who prepared the area around the Browns Ferry Community Center for the new Native Plant Demonstration Garden.

August 13, 2013
This team of 21 tackled the initial clearing of the forest surrounding the garden area at the Browns Ferry Community Center. They removed invasive Himalayan blackberry and English ivy as well as pulled out diseased and invasive trees and brush that had been felled by the Operations Team.

September 13, 2013
Team Lazslo tackled the English ivy invading trees and outbuildings around the Center. They had the pleasure of meeting garter snakes and a sleepy newt living in the area. They removed invasive Himalayan blackberry and English ivy and left behind a clean area for future plantings of native species.

September 13 PGE employees remove ivy from the green house.

PGE Employees September 19
Twenty-five enthusiastic PGE employees volunteered at the Brown’s Ferry Community Center. Team Venetz tackled the English ivy invading trees and buildings around the Center. They also organized materials for the Put Down Roots in Tualatin planting program and developed ideas for a volunteer safety information poster.

Creating a volunteer safety poster

PGE employee sorting supplies

PGE employees sorting supplies