Rental Housing License

Every person who owns or operates a residential rental unit must first obtain an annual Rental Housing License at a cost of $10.00 per unit.

This applies to all buildings or portions of buildings that are legally used for human habitation, including manufactured dwelling units and are covered by a rental agreement.

Please review the full code for more details on license exemptions, fee, fines, and the complaint process.

As a rental property owner you must also provide a copy of TMC 6-13 to each rental unit.

Tualatin Municipal Code Chapter 6, Section 13 (TMC 6-13) establishes Rental Housing Maintenance Standards in an effort to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the owners, occupants, and users of residential rental buildings and the neighbors to these properties. The code is intended to supplement the habitability standards of the Oregon Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, ORS 90.100.

The City of Tualatin rental license is renewed on a yearly basis beginning on April 1st and expiring on March 31st and non-refundable.

For licensing questions contact

Mary Daily

By phone: 503.691.3058

By email: