Usage Rates

Water tap

Water is sold in units of 100 cubic feet or 1 unit. There are 748 gallons per 100 cubic feet or 1 unit. Pricing is as follows for residential customers. Water is currently $4.37 per unit. The sewer base fee, a flat fee per dwelling unit per month, is $39.25. The sewer use fee is $2.62 times your winter average water consumption (for new residents this multiplier is 8 until a winter average is established).



New rates effective July 1, 2024

Water Rate $4.37 / CCF (100 Cubic Feet)
Water Service Charge $ 6.20 (All Customers)
Water Facility Charge $ 6.12 (Residential Customers)
Sewer Base Fee $39.25 (All Customers/Per Dwelling Unit
Sewer Use Charge $ 2.62 (All Customers)


(All Customers/Per Equivalent Surface Unit)
Road Maintenance Fee (includes Sidewalk/Tree/Reverse Frontage) $7.15 (Residential Customers)
Parks Utility Fee $5.00 (All Customers)