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Rental Housing Standards

Rental Housing Maintenance Standards
The purpose of the Rental Housing Maintenance Standards code (TMC 6-13) is to provide minimum habitability criteria for rental residential properties to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of the owners, occupants and users of residential rental buildings; and to protect the health, safety and welfare of neighbors to these properties. The code is intended to supplement the habitability standards of the Oregon Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (ORS 90).
Building Repairs and Modifications
- Proper permits must be obtained prior to starting building repairs or modifications. Contact the Building Division prior to any changes.
- Tarps or similar material shall not be used as a repair or replacement for a customary building component, such as a roof, siding or door, except for emergency repairs or temporary replacements during construction. However, no such use may exceed 90 days in any 12-month period and cannot violate the Building or Fire Codes. (TMC 6-13-040 (10)(d))
Structural Integrity
- Roofs, floors, walls, foundations and all other structural components shall be capable of resisting any reasonable stresses and loads to which these components may be subjected.
- Structural components shall be of materials allowed and/or approved by the Building Code. (TMC 6-13-040 (1))
- Roof, exterior walls, windows, gutters, down spouts and doors shall be maintained to prevent water leakage into the living areas that may cause damage to the structure or its contents or may adversely affect the health and safety of an occupant.
- Repairs must be permanent, not temporary, and shall be through generally accepted construction methods. (TMC 6-13-040 (4))
- Plumbing systems shall be installed and maintained in a safe and sanitary condition and shall be free of defects, leaks and obstructions.
- Plumbing components shall be of materials allowed or approved by the Building Code. (TMC 6-13-040 (2))
- All buildings used for residential purposes shall be connected to an approved source of electric power and every habitable room shall contain at least one operable outlet and one operable light fixture or two operable outlets.
- Every public hallway and stairway shall be adequately lighted. (TMC 6-13-040 (5))
- There shall be a permanently installed heat source with the ability to provide a room temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit three feet above the floor, measured in the approximate center of the room, in all habitable rooms.
- All heating devices or appliances shall be of an approved type and maintained for proper working condition.
- Ventilation for fuel-burning heating appliances shall be as required by the Building Code. (TMC 6-13-040 (3))
Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors shall be installed and maintained in working order in each sleeping room, in the immediate vicinity of a sleeping room or area designated for sleeping and on each floor.
Rental Housing License
Every person who owns and/or operates a residential rental unit within the City of Tualatin must first obtain a Rental Housing License. The annual rental license fee of $10.00 per dwelling unit applies to all buildings or portions of buildings that are legally used for human habitation and are covered by a rental agreement. Please review the full code for more details on license exemptions, fees, fines and the complaint process. As a rental property owner or manager you must also provide a copy of the (TMC 6-13) to each rental unit.
Bryan LaVigne | Code Compliance Officer | 503-691-3675 | blavigne@tualatin.gov |