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Franchise Permits (FRCH)

Please note! Franchise Permits (FRCH) were formerly known as "Public Utility Permits"
A “Franchise Permit” (FRCH) is required when work is being conducted within the Public Right-of-Way (ROW) or Public Easement by an ROW Licensed Utility Company. Such work includes, but is not limited to, aerial work, boring, running new utility lines through existing conduit, setting new concrete pads, or parking vehicles in the Right-of-Way to perform work nearby.
ROW – Right-of-Way. A general term denoting land, property, or interest property acquired for or devoted to public use.
PUE – Public Utility Easement. This is generally the area inside of the ROW which exists between the back of curb and the adjacent tax lot’s property line. This is the area that is authorized for Public Utilities to be placed.
Utility – Any physical component of a system, including but not limited to poles, pipes, mains, conduits, ducts, junction boxes, vaults, structures, cables, wires, transmitters, equipment, and other facilities, located within, under, or above rights-of-way, any portion of which is used or designed to be used to deliver, transmit, or otherwise provide utility service.
TCP – Traffic Control plan. This is a site plan that denotes the flow of traffic while work is being conducted in the Right-of-Way. This plan shall include Traffic Maintenance as defined in Chapter 104 of the Public Works Construction Code.
In order to fulfill the requirements of the FRCH permit application process, the following tasks will need to be completed and/or uploaded with the Permit:
- Provide current Right-of-Way License:
- Confirm that the license is current and up to date.
- To obtain or update the agreement, please utilize the following link: Right-of-Way Licenses.
- Current Fee Schedule
- Provide a current Authorized Representative Agreement:
- Required if working on behalf of a utility parent company.
- These Agreements typically expire after one-year from the date signed.
- Provide proof of Contractor's Insurance and Indemnification as set forth in Section 102.6.1 of the Public Works Construction Code:
- The Permittee must ensure that all contractors doing the work are adequately insured.
- Provide a Traffic Control Plan (TCP):
- Must be clear and applicable.
- A site specific TCP is required when:
- The “Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook” examples do not match the site conditions.
- Night work and/or signal shutdown is needed.
- For signal shutdowns, obtain a Washington County Traffic Signal Shutdown Permit and provide notifications as required by the permit.
- For night work, complete a “Noise & Work Hour Variance Application”.
- There will be a complete road closure (this may require night work, see note ii. above).
- Collectors and Arterial roads may require at least two lanes of travel to remain open at all times.
- Provide a Site Plan:
- If any ground-disturbance (new or replacement) is being performed, please include the following:
- ROW, street names, and property lines (with tax lots) must be clearly labeled with distance and length of work being done.
- Outline location(s) of all existing utilities.
- The City may be able to provide additional details.
- Potholing may be required prior to permit issuance.
- Must have a bore profile for the placement of any new utility or conduit.
- New lines must remain within the PUE.
- If there will not be any ground-disturbing activities, then the Site Plan will need to include the following:
- Site and work location:
- Street name, location on street, and adjacent address where the work is being performed.
- Method of access:
- Through an existing manhole or conduit, aerial work, etc.
- Site and work location:
- Keep site plans simple.
- If highly detailed plans are submitted, please highlight where the proposed work will be occurring.
- If any ground-disturbance (new or replacement) is being performed, please include the following:
- Permits from partner agencies (Washington County, ODOT, Railroad, etc.) may be required depending on the location of the proposed work.
- These agency permits will be required prior to the City’s permit issuance.
- See “Road Ownership Map” below for jurisdictional right-of-ways.
- Upload all documents, and relevant information online to eTRAKiT.
Once the FRCH permit has been approved and issued by the Engineering Division, the Contractor will need to contact the Engineering Division for the following:
Inspection Requests:
- Flatwork subgrade compactions, forms, mix submittals, day-of restorations, and final approvals.
- Follow Surface Restoration requirements as described in PWCC Section 313 and Standard Drawing #241.
For Franchise (Public Utility) Permit inquiries or Inspection Requests, please email here.
Contacts for other Jurisdictional Permit requests:
Washington County ROW Permits (Website):
Department of Land Use and Transportation
Operations and Maintenance Division
1400 SW Walnut Street, MS 51
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Phone: 503-846-7623
Washington County Signal Shutdown Permits (All signal shutdowns go through Washington County) Website:
Department of Land Use and Transportation
Traffic Engineering
1400 SW Walnut Street, MS 17
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Phone: 503-846-7950
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT): Website
355 Capitol Street NE, MS 11
Salem , OR , 97301
Railroad ROW: State of Oregon Website
355 Capitol Street NE, MS 11
Salem , OR , 97301