Wet Weather Erosion Control

Wet Weather

In accordance with the City's agreement with Clean Water Services, the City of Tualatin would like to remind contractors of the importance of installing and maintaining Wet Weather Erosion Prevention Measures on all development sites in Tualatin. 

Wet weather measures must be established by October 1 and remain effective through the following May 31, such as:

  • All exposed soil must have ground cover protection measures in place by October 1. Grass seed application either by hand or mechanical hydro-seeding will not provide adequate ground cover protection unless maximum germination is reached by October 1. If seeding is unsuccessful, additional ground cover measures such as straw, yard debris compost, or erosion control blankets must be installed.
  • All erosion control facilities and techniques contained in the approved erosion control plan for your site need to be checked and maintained regularly. If the facilities and techniques in the plan are not effective, additional measures must be implemented. Information regarding maintenance can be found in the Clean Water Services Design and Construction Standards, Chapter 6, Section 6.02.6.
  • Information regarding approved measures and installation procedures is contained in the Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual.