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Code Enforcement and Compliance

The Community Services Officer (CSO) assists the Police Department with operational support, responds to lower priority calls for service such as graffiti, thefts, parking concerns, abandoned vehicles, lost or found property and neighborhood complaints. The Community Services Officer also performs crime prevention work and community public relations activities.
Code Enforcement
The CSO investigates Tualatin Municipal Code violations by making site inspections, locating responsible parties, researching applicable codes and taking appropriate action. It is the CSO's primary goal to obtain voluntary code compliance through conversation, letters to violators, citations and court when necessary. The CSO often addresses neighborhood issues with residents, providing solutions, referrals to additional resources, or creative problem solving resolutions.
The City of Tualatin hopes to enhance neighborhoods and their citizens' health, safety and general welfare through efficient and effective enforcement of the Tualatin Municipal Code. All actions shall be conducted in a responsive and fair manner, focusing on customer service and public awareness, while respecting the property rights of our residents.
Code Compliance
Many residents don't want to be "that neighbor" who calls to report a problem or potential code violation. If the potential code violation is not referred, it may not be addressed or corrected. Many times, the owner of the property that has a potential code violation is not aware and simple education of code regulations can quickly resolve the issue. If you do not feel comfortable talking with your neighbor, you may contact the Community Services Officer who will look into the complaint and see what remedies can be made. Some code enforcement cases can be resolved within days, while others may take longer to correct.