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Parking Regulations

Common Parking Violations
- Parking in or blocking a bike lane, sidewalk, crosswalk, driveway access or intersection
- Parking within 10 feet of a fire hydrant
- Parking or stopping in posted No Parking areas
- Parking within 50 feet of a stop sign or traffic signal when vehicle blocks the device or obstructs it from view (ORS 811.550)
- Parallel parking facing the wrong direction; even in a cul-de-sac. The passenger side should be against the curb. On a marked one-way road where parallel parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway, the car must be parked facing the direction of traffic and positioned with the driver's side against the curb, if on the left side of the road; or the passenger side against the curb, if on the right side of the road. (ORS 811.570)
- Parking a vehicle on the street for the following purposes:
- Displaying the vehicle for sale
- Repairing or servicing the vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an emergency
- Displaying advertising from the vehicle
- Selling merchandise from the vehicle, except when authorized (TMC 8-1-160)
Parking over 72 continuous hours on the street or storing a vehicle on the street (TMC 8-1-260), unless a 21-Day Storage on the Street Permit has been obtained (see application below)
Parking in a marked space for persons with disabilities; permits must be conspicuously displayed (ORS 811.615)
Parking an abandoned vehicle on the street for over 24 hours; abandoned and hazardous vehicles can be towed at owner’s expense (ORS 819.100)
Rental Property Parking
- Motor vehicles, trailers, or recreational vehicles parked on the property shall be parked in the driveway or in a paved or graveled area parallel to the driveway farthest from the residence. No additional portion of a landscaped area shall be paved that is in front of the single family or multifamily residence unless specifically allowed in another section of the Tualatin Development Code.
- No vehicle shall be kept on the residential property for more than five days in a state of major disassembly, disrepair, or in the process of being stripped or dismantled, unless it is stored within a permitted structure. (TMC 6-13-040)
- For more information, see Rental Housing Standards.
Downtown Core Area Parking
Five parking lots are located in the Core Area Parking District and provide a variety of short and long-term parking based on location and the type of businesses in the immediate vicinity. Enforcement of time zones is done to ensure the short-term spaces are available for customers. Violators are subject to fines, or in the event of multiple violations without payment of the citation, possible booting of their vehicle.
Residential Parking Zones
The City Council establishes the following residential parking zones for the purpose of prohibiting parking on public streets except by residential permit:
- School Day Zones. During school days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in the following locations:
- Waterford Subdivision, which includes the following streets within the zone: SW 94th Terrace, SW 93rd Terrace, SW Palouse Lane, and SW Skokomish Lane; and
- Moccasin Run Subdivision, which includes the following streets within the zone: SW Ibach Court.
- SW Alabama Street, east of SW Chilkat Terrace and west of SW Boones Ferry Road.
- General Residential Zones. During all hours of every day, the area bounded on the north by SW Hazelbrook Road, on the south by Tualatin Road, on the east by SW 112th Avenue, and on the west by SW 115th Avenue, which includes the following streets within the zone:
- SW 115th Avenue, between Tualatin Road and Hazelbrook Road;
- the south side of SW Hazelbrook Road, east of SW 115th Avenue and west of Hazelbrook Middle School Property;
- SW Elmers Court, east of SW 115th Avenue;
- SW Roberts Court, east of SW 115th Avenue; and
- SW Kalispell Street, east of SW 115th Avenue and west of SW 112th Avenue.
- Only those vehicles displaying a valid parking permit may park within the particular zone. Persons who reside within the parking zone may obtain a permit for that zone by completing the Residential Parking Permit Application (see application below). (TMC 8-1-252)
To request your street or neighborhood have residential permit parking zones created contact City Council.
Citation or Warning
If you receive a citation or warning for a parking violation, correct the violation immediately to avoid further fines or citations. Follow the instructions on the citation and make sure to appear on the scheduled Municipal Court date and pay all fines on time.
To report parking violations, please call police non-emergency at 503-629-0111.