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Animal Regulations

The Tualatin Dog Park is located on the north side of the railroad trestle at Tualatin Community Park.
Animal Waste
Any solid waste left by an animal on another’s property must immediately be removed (TMC 6-4-045). Animal waste on private property must remain at a minimum and not become a nuisance or health hazard (TMC 6-4-050(6)). Properly dispose of animals waste in a trash receptacle and do not pile it or wash it into nearby storm drains.
Leash Law
All animals must be restrained at all times when not on private property. Dogs are required to be held by a leash at all city parks and schools. (TMC 6-4-040)
Dog Licensing
All dogs must be licensed with their county at 6 months of age, or when they have permanent canine teeth, or within 30 days of acquisition or within 30 days of moving. A license is required even if the dog is always on the owner's property, always indoors or lives on a farm. For more information, contact Washington County Animal Services or Clackamas County Dog Services.
Noise or Continuous Annoyance
It is unlawful to keep, or permit the keeping of, any animal that barks, cries, whimpers, crows, clucks, or makes any other sound on a frequent or continuous basis for fifteen minutes or longer and that is plainly audible within a noise sensitive property, other than the place where the sound originates (TMC 6-14-040(2)).
Lost or Abandoned Animals
If you have lost or found a pet please contact your local county animal services for proper procedures. You may also contact local area shelters.
Stray Cats
Stray or feral cats can be taken to your local shelter. There may be a fee for each one brought in. If you live in a multiple family housing area, the cat may need to be brought in by the property manager or HOA. Live traps can be purchased at your local hardware store.
A license is required to keep chickens and they are only permitted within the Low Density Residential (RL) Planning District, i.e., single-family zoning. For more information and chicken licensing requirements, visit Chickens.
How do I make an animal noise complaint?
If it’s a rare noise occurrence that is happening after 10pm, you can report it by calling Police Non-Emergency at 503.629.0111. To make a complaint about ongoing barking, licensing, neglect or other animal concerns contact Washington County Animal Services or Clackamas County Dog Services, depending on the county you reside.
Can I make an animal complaint anonymously?
A complainant is needed, unless the violation is observed by the responding agency. The complainant is the witness to the activity and may be needed for court proceedings, questions, follow up or reports. For more information on how to file a complaint, contact Washington County Animal Services or Clackamas County Dog Services.
Who picks up a found or loose dog?
Contact Washington County Animal Services or Clackamas County Dog Services, depending on the county in which the dog was found or is loose.
What if it’s my roommates dog that’s barking?
Along with the animal owner, if you are home with, and in control of, the animal at the time and allow it to continuously bark, you can be issued the citation.
Will I get in trouble for putting my neighbor’s dog waste back on their property?
Purposely putting animal waste on a neighboring property can result in criminal charges. Talk with the neighbor, change the landscaping, fence off the area or utilize the Center for Mediation and Dialogue, offering services to Tualatin residents, or the Clackamas County Dispute Resolution Center.
How do I keep animals off my property?
There are creative landscaping changes that can deter animals from entering your yard. Sometimes a small hedge, retaining wall, fence or barbed plants can be used as a deterrent. This also gives animal owners a subtle reminder that the area is private property and to avoid allowing their animal access.
What are the fines for violations?
Fines can be up to $500 per occurrence.
Did You Know…
The Beaverton Dispute Resolution Center offers mediation services for Tigard, Tualatin, and Sherwood.