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Patrol Division and Services
The men and women within the Tualatin Police Patrol Division are highly trained and adept in responding to emergencies and calls for service. They are committed to preserving the peace and protecting the public.
The Patrol Division currently has one captain, four sergeants, and 22 officers serving Tualatin's residents. Officers are assigned to the same patrol areas for extended periods of time, often working one district for a year or longer. The district assignment philosophy allows officers to assume an integral role in solving problems and addressing livability issues within the city.
Officers assigned to this important function are divided into time shifts and patrol districts. Each shift has a supervisor or officer-in-charge to coordinate and take responsibility for all police calls.
Aside from responding to dispatched calls for service, officers are accountable for problem solving efforts. These initiatives make a significant impact upon the community. The department proactively initiates saturation patrols and special enforcement details. Such details include safety belt enforcement, theft from vehicle surveillance, driving while under the influence (DUII) enforcement, distracted driving enforcement, speed enforcement, pedestrian safety enforcement and curfew roundups.
Patrol officers work ten-hour shifts, four days a week, consisting of day-shift, swing-shift and night-shift.