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Graffiti Removal

Graffiti Defined
Graffiti means any inscription, word, figure, or design that is marked etched, scratched, drawn, or painted on any surface with paint, ink, chalk, dye or other similar substance, regardless of content, which is visible from premises open to the public, such as public rights-of-way or other publicly-owned property, and that has been placed upon any real or personal property, such as buildings, fences, and structures, without authorization from the owner or responsible party (TMC 6-10-010).
It is unlawful and a violation for any person to place or put by any means, any drawing, inscription, figure, symbol, mark, or any type of commonly known graffiti on any public or private property without the consent of the owner of the premises on which the property is located, or upon natural surfaces such as rocks, trees or any surface whatsoever. It is unlawful and a violation for any person to solicit or command another person to apply graffiti or aid or abet another person in applying graffiti.
Each wall or object upon which graffiti is placed constitutes a separate violation. Each day on which a violation occurs or continues is a separate violation (TMC 6-10-020).
Graffiti Removal
The owner or occupant of any property within the City of Tualatin shall remove any graffiti from that property within seven days of the graffiti's appearance. Whenever is it determined that graffiti exists on any property in the City, an abatement notice may be issued. The owner or occupant shall have seven days after the date of service of the notice to remove the graffiti. The notice shall be served by addressing the notice to the owner and occupant and delivering it by personal service or by mailing it as certified mail. Service may also be accomplished by posting the notice in a clearly visible location on the subject property.
If the person who was served the notice is unable to remove, or cause to remove, the graffiti within the seven-day period due to a hardship, he or she may apply to the City for an extension of time in which to remove the graffiti. A "hardship" includes, but is not limited to, serious illness or disability, extremely inclement weather that temporarily prevents removal of the graffiti, or other extraordinary circumstance.
If graffiti is not removed within seven days after serving notice on the owner and occupant, a citation may be issued to the owner or occupant, or both, requiring the person to appear in Tualatin Municipal Court.
Failure to remove graffiti is a violation punishable by a fine. Each day the graffiti remains after the notice is sent constitutes a separate offense (TMC 6-10-060).
The most common ways of graffiti removal are sanding or scraping, painting over it, or removal with solvents. The method selected will depend on the type of surface and the substance to be removed.
Report Graffiti
When graffiti is "occurring now", or if you are a witness to graffiti vandalism while it is happening, call 9-1-1
When graffiti appears on your property, or someone else’s property, report it to your local law enforcement agency as soon as possible by calling police non-emergency at 503-629-0111.
The sooner graffiti is removed, the better. Research has shown that removal within 24-48 hours is effective in discouraging repeat vandalism. If you choose to remove the graffiti before contacting law enforcement, take a photo, if possible, to give to the officer with the report.