Bulky Waste Days

Bulky Waste




WHAT: Bulky Waste Day Spring 2025

WHEN: Date TBD (please check back - updated 3.18.25), will be on a Saturday from 9:00am - 1:00pm

WHERE: Republic Services/Willamette Resources, Inc. (10295 SW Ridder Road, Wilsonville, OR 97062)

QUESTIONS: Call 503-691-3093 or email lmarshall@tualatin.gov


El Día de los Residuos Voluminosos regresa por un evento único el sábado 13 de abril de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. en WRI en Wilsonville (10295 SW Ridder Rd, Wilsonville, OR 97070).

Los artículos voluminosos de desecho son típicamente demasiado grandes o pesados para colocarlos en sus botes regulares de la acera.

  • Los residentes de Tualatin pueden traer artículos tales como grandes electrodomésticos sin Freón, muebles, colchones, electrónicos, etc.
  • Por favor, no traiga desechos peligrosos, material de construcción, remodelación o demolición, residuos domésticos, reciclables recogidos en la acera y desechos de jardín.

Por favor, recuerde donar artículos que estén en buenas condiciones para su reutilización siempre que sea posible.

No olvides una nueva donación de juguetes para Tualatin Food Pantry.

  1. Proof of Tualatin residency
  2. Non-perishable items for the Tualatin Food Pantry. Currently, the Pantry’s most urgent needs include:
    • Canned fruits (no applesauce please), canned meals (ex: spaghetti Os, ravioli, chili, etc), canned tuna fish
    • Boxed macaroni and cheese, spaghetti sauce, cold cereal
    • Dried beans, bags of rice, cooking/baking items (ex: flour, salt, sugar, spices - can be large bags/bulk size)
    • Full-sized personal hygiene items (ex: shampoo/conditioner, bar soap, toothpaste, feminine products, etc.) 
    • Dry pet food
      • The Pantry is always in need of paper grocery bags and small/medium empty boxes 

      • Please do not bring expired items!

YES! Bring bulky waste such as:
  • Large appliances without Freon (ex: dishwashers, ovens/stoves, washing machines, water heaters, refrigerators, etc.)
  • Furniture (ex: couches, tables, chairs, lawn/outdoor furniture, etc.)
  • Electronics and lamps
  • Mattresses
  • Foam packaging 

NO! Please DON'T bring:

  • Hazardous materials (ex: materials potentially containing asbestos, propane bottles, paint, batteries, solvents, thinners, etc.)
  • Construction, remodeling, or demolition materials
  • Tires 
  • Yard debris (**but you can bring it to Yard Debris Day!)
  • Garbage or recycling that can go into your curbside bins



Please remember to donate items to re-use (Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, Community Warehouse, etc.) whenever possible! 

As of Fall 2020, the City no longer offers regularly scheduled free bulky waste disposal days. 

  • If the City is able to offer a bulky waste day at anytime in the future, information will be posted to this website, which is kept up to date. 
  • Events like Bulky Waste Days have traditionally been organized by the City of Tualatin and Republic Services and funded by Metro's Solid Waste and Recycling Community Vouchers.  Unfortunately, due to budgetary cuts at Metro, this program has been suspended indefinitely. 
  • The City continues to look for opportunities to support our residents in clean-up efforts.
  • Please see below for options to dispose of bulky waste. 

How to dispose of bulky waste on your own:

1. Call Republic Services (503-981-1278) to set up a pick-up. 

  • Bulky item pick-ups are limited to 4 cubic yards of material. Customer service will have specific item rates and for customers that need just a bit more they can ask about the 3-Yard Container Temporary Service. 
  • Republic Services will drop off a front load container for customers to place their items into and then return to pick it up the following day. Drivers will document the load upon pick-up and your invoice will be mailed out shortly thereafter.

2. You can use Metro's Where to Recycle search tool to find where to recycle specific items. 

3. If you have bulky waste, you can take it to the Metro South Transfer Station in Oregon City. You can take a variety of items to the transfer station for disposal, many for free.  Click here for their information sheet

  • Bulky waste​
    • Some appliances may be recycled for free.
  • Hazardous waste
    • The $5 fee (for 35 gallons of hazardous waste) is currently being waived. The 35-gallon limit is based on container size, not the quantity of material in the containers.
    • Consider taking your own and a neighbor's hazardous waste for disposal. 
    • Drop off old paint free of charge.
  • Household garbage
  • Recycling 
    • Accepted for free, including items such as: aluminum, tin, plastic tubs/bottles, scrap metal, some appliances, motor oil, newspapers/magazines, mowers, batteries, etc. Click here for more info
  • Yard Debris