COVID-19 - Video Resources


CDC - How to Make your Own Face Covering (45 second video)

Allergies or COVID-19? (1 minute 30 second video)

COVID-19: Information (2 minute video)

COVID-19: Learn the Facts - Fight Fear and Stigma (1 minute video)


How to protect yourself against COVID-19 (1 minute video) 


When to Seek Treatment (1 minute 20 second video)


Proper Handwashing Instruction (2 minute 20 second video)

Giving Blood during COVID-19


Playlist of videos from the CDC about COVID-19

(Click the icon with three horizontal lines in the upper left hand corner to scroll through and select the available videos)


Video play list from the CDC about COVID-19 in American Sign Language

(Click the icon with three horizontal lines in the upper left hand corner to scroll through and select the available videos)