Teen Events

Book Chat icon

Teen Book Chat: Talk about this month's book and enjoy some pizza. Help us pick out future books to read. Chats are at 5:00 PM on the second Tuesday of the month in the Community Room. To receive a free copy of the month's book, and to share your suggestions for future book chats, register here and Aimee will email you instructions for pick-up. To contact Aimee, email ameuchel@tualatin.gov. For students in grades 8-12.

Capture the flag

Teen Summer Reading Kickoff: Nerf Capture the Flag! Kick off summer! Sign up for Summer Reading. Friday, June 17, 2:00-4:00 PM at Community Park.

Hand with henna designs

Teen Henna: Join us in learning the history and cultural importance of henna throughout the world. Register here and get a free design from Wendy Rover, owner of Roving Horse Henna. And you'll get a cone of henna to take home and practice with! Held from 1:00-3:00 PM Tuesday, July 12 in the Community Room.

Super Smash Bros. logo

Teen Super Smash Bros. TourneySuper Smash Bros? Xbox One? Sign up for the return of our Super Smash Bros. tournament at the library! The tournament will start at 2:00 PM Tuesday, July 19 and will end when it ends! Snacks and prizes will be provided. Registration is recommended (do it here) but not required. Held in the Teen Room.

Padlock and key

Teen Escape RoomEscape the library! You and your friends are locked in the library and you have to figure out how to get out! Will you solve all of the puzzles in time or will you be overdue? Registration is required; do it here. Three different sessions on Tuesday, July 26 at 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM; please register for only one. Held in the Community Room.

Teens playing mini golf in the library stacks

Teen Mini Golf: Pool noodles. Ping pong balls. Nine hole course. All the things you need for fun in the library! Registration is required. Friday, July 29 from 6:00-8:00 PM.