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Waste Disposal During COVID-19

Garbage and Recycling During COVID-19
Republic Services is the waste hauler for the City of Tualatin and is continuing their operations as an essential service.
Due to an increase in residential waste and recycling, Republic has increased the number of drivers and trucks.
Please place carts curbside the night before or by 6am on your scheduled pick-up day.
- To protect the safety of the drivers, ensure waste bags are tightly closed and curbside containers are not overfilled so the lids close completely. Waste placed outside of carts will not be collected.
What about bulky waste?
Bulky Waste Day is suspended until further notice.
- If you have bulky waste, you can take it to the Metro South Transfer Station or call Republic Services (503-981-1278) to arrange a pick-up.
- Bulky item pick-ups are limited to 4 cubic yards of material. Customer service will have specific item rates and for customers that need just a bit more they can ask about the 3-Yard Container Temporary Service.
- Republic Services will drop off a front load container for customers to place their items into and then return to pick it up the following day. Drivers will document the load upon pick-up and your invoice will be mailed out shortly thereafter.
The Metro South Transfer Station in Oregon City is open as an essential business. You can take a variety of items to the transfer station for disposal, many for free. Click here for their information sheet.
- Bulky waste
- Some appliances may be recycled for free.
- Hazardous waste
- The $5 fee (for 35 gallons of hazardous waste) is currently being waived. The 35-gallon limit is based on container size, not the quantity of material in the containers.
- Consider taking your own and a neighbor's hazardous waste for disposal.
- Drop off old paint free of charge.
- Household garbage
- Prices differ if covered or uncovered. Click here for more info.
- Recycling
- Accepted for free, including items such as: aluminum, tin, plastic tubs/bottles, scrap metal, some appliances, motor oil, newspapers/magazines, mowers, batteries, etc. Click here for more info.
- Yard Debris
- Prices differ if covered or uncovered. Click here for more info.
Please Remember:
- Keep recycling!
- Especially cardboard, which is needed to ship supplies.
- Please make sure recyclables are empty and rinsed out as usual.
- Bag all garbage
- For the health and safety of waste collectors and the community, please bag all garbage as tightly and securely as possible. You may use any type of bag.
- Plastic bags and packaging go in the garbage
- Please place plastic bags and packaging from deliveries in the garbage cart – it’s not recyclable.
- Wipes go in the garbage
- Cleaning wipes should always go in the garbage. Never put wipes in your recycling or compost, even if they're labeled compostable or biodegradable. Never flush wipes down the toilet, even if they're labeled flushable, as they can clog sewers.