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The City of Tualatin Continues “Share the Love” Tradition
The City of Tualatin Continues “Share the Love” Tradition
TUALATIN, OR — The City of Tualatin is continuing its February Share the Love tradition by hiding 500 hand-blown glass hearts throughout City parks and trails. Community members who find a heart are welcome to keep it or re-hide it for someone else to discover.
Share the Love began in 2021 in response to community isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program was designed to get people out of their homes and into Tualatin's parks, in the hopes of fostering safe outdoor community interaction. Since its inception, the event has grown significantly, from 175 hidden hearts in its first year to 500 this year.
Glass hearts will be hidden in the following locations: Atfalati Park, Browns Ferry Park, Ibach Park, Jurgens Park, Little Woodrose Natural Area, Lafky Park, Las Casitas Park, Commons Park, Community Park, the Lake of the Commons, and Sweek Pond Natural Area. They will also be placed along city greenway trails, including Chieftain Dakota, Hedges Creek, Hi-West, Ice Age Tonquin Trail, Saum Creek, Shaniko, and the Tualatin River Greenway Trail. Hearts will be accessible without climbing or digging.
Each glass heart is handcrafted by artist Timothy Jaquet of Olympia, Washington. Community members who find a heart are encouraged to snap a photo and use hashtag #ShareTheLoveTualatin.
For more information, visit tualatinoregon.gov/recreation/share-love.