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Tualatin Youth Advisory Council

The Tualatin Youth Advisory Council is looking for new members who are in 8th-12th grade for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in becoming more involved with your community, apply today!
The purpose of the Tualatin Youth Advisory Council is to:
- Advise the Tualatin City Council on issues that affect youth in the community.
- Serve as a communication link for youth to government, business, and entire community on a variety of subjects.
- Identify and advocate for the needs of youth in our community.
- Identify and carry out events and activities for the community which are important to youth.
YAC meets from 6-7pm on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.
The YAC hosts activities for youth in the Tualatin community. YAC members also volunteer at many of the City's events including the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta, The Blender Dash, and Concerts in the Parks. YAC members will help in planning and running these events, and contribute ideas for improvements to existing programs.
The YAC also makes presentations to the Tualatin City Council to keep the city officials informed about issues that are important to youth. New members will have the unique opportunity of presenting their ideas to the City Council.
Be aware! Serving as a YAC member is not always easy. It requires a significant time commitment. YAC members are required to attend meetings on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 6:00 - 7:00pm. The meetings are held at the Van Raden Center in Community Park, 8509 SW Tualatin Rd. YAC members also contribute additional time in preparing for and running events.