Special Event Permit Application 2025

A Special Event is the use of a park or park area which constitutes one or more of the following: (a) large or special use of an area or facility; (b) creates a special demand for park services such as parking, cleaning, power or water; (c) requires coordination so that other users can coexist without disruption; and (d) which constitutes a commercial use.

Special event permits may be required under the following conditions:

  • Gatherings/events that involve a large group of people (compared to the usual occupancy of the site) in the public right-of-way (park, street etc.)
  • Are advertised to the public and do not occur regularly on the site
  • Creates a significant public impact on public property or City-owned easements
  • Use of sound amplifying device
  • Tents or other structures outside of the picnic shelter
  • Food trucks
  • Use of public personnel or resources for emergency response or any combination of these
  • Impacts normal vehicle and pedestrian traffic
  • Events held on private property which affect or impact the City, surrounding public or private property, or which may involve an improper use of the property under the City ordinances such as zoning restrictions, noise restrictions, temporary portable sign permits etc.
  • Special Event fees may apply.

Permit Application Requirements

Special Events require a permit issued by the City. Additional documents which may also be required:

  • Facility Reservations
    • Special Event Permits are only available in Tualatin Community Park.
    • In order to reserve a picnic shelter in Tualatin Community Park visit the Picnic Shelter Reservation page. If you do not already have a Community Pass account, please set one up so we can assist you in reserving the facilities needed for your event. Community Pass Log In
    • Larger events may be required to also reserve softball fields 1 and 2 in order to accommodate their event.
    • Once a Special Event Permit Application has been reviewed, a determination can be made regarding additional space needs.
  • Certificate of Insurance - To see what the Certificate of Insurance looks like and the coverage requirements, please refer to our Sample Certificate of Insurance. Requirements noted in Red.
  • Traffic Control Plan

    Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) Permit: If alcohol use is planned for your Special Event, submit OLCC permits with your application. Please call OLCC at 503-872-5070 to determine and/or confirm if you need an OLCC license. OLCC can take 10-30 days to process a license. The OLCC license must be visible in the area where alcoholic beverages are being served.

  • Temporary Restaurant License & Food Handler Certificate: For any food service establishment in the street, public right-of-way, and City facility. Food trucks are only allowed in Tualatin Community Park in order to cater approved special event permits. Food trucks are not permitted in other city parks.
  • Some events may require on-site staff support and additional fees may apply.

SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS ARE DUE A MINIMUM OF 45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT. All documents must be received within 14 days of the event.


What type of event if "Other" was selected.
Does your run/walk/ride enter Tigard, Durham, or other agency roads, pathways or property? *
Please list what other cities your run/walk/ride will go through. Approval for any race on Tigard, Durham, or other agency’s roads, pathways and property must be obtained from those agencies.
New or Returning Event *
Event Start Time *
Event End Time *
Setup Start Time *
Breakdown Complete Time *
Is the event open to the public? *
Are patron admission, entry or participant fees charged? *
Event fees only apply to walks/runs/bike events.
Number of Expected Participants/Attendees *
Do you have a park reservation application? *
Will food be served or sold? *
Describe what food will be served/sold including number of vendors. Please indicate if there will be any mobile food units. *A temporary restaurant license is required when food is prepared or served for consumption by the public at events. You will be required to submit a copy of your Washington County Temporary Restaurant License prior to receiving a Special Event Permit approval. Washington County Department of Health and Human Services 503-846-8722, EnvironmentalHealth@co.washington.or.us
Will alcohol be served or sold? *
List what alcohol will be sold/served. In Oregon, a state liquor license is needed at special events where: • Alcohol will be sold. • Alcohol is available (but not being sold), and you are charging or accepting donations of for admission, or where payment is required to attend the event Contact the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) office regulating Washington County to learn more about the requirements of a Temporary Sales License (TSL). 503-872-5070. You will be required to submit a copy of your OLCC license prior to receiving Special Event Permit approval. A City of Tualatin Alcohol Permit is also required. You can apply for an alcohol permit by visiting the Juanita Pohl Center located at 8513 SW Tualatin Rd between 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. If yes, you must submit an OLCC TLS Application with the Special Event Permit Application
Will there be product, merchandise or service sales? *
Sales of any kind are prohibited unless approved by the City of Tualatin. List all proposed sales and marketing vendors.
Will there be canopies or tents? *
List the number of tents you intend to use and their size. Specify their locations on the site plan and when they will be set up and removed.
Are you erecting a tent over 200 square feet? *
If yes, contact Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue for a Tent and Canopy permit
Will there be amplified sound? *
Indicate what type of sound will be amplified such as live music, DJ, or PA system? Restrictions apply depending on event site. A Noise Variance permit may be required.
Will you be renting a shelter, sports field, or other facility? *
Please list what facilities you will need a for your event.
Will you need access to water? *
Describe what the water will be used for.
Will there be bleachers, stages, fencing, or other structures? *
List any structures planned for event. Specify on a site plan the location of any structures that will be erected at your event.
Do you plan to provide portable toilets? *
If portable toilets are needed please indicate how many you intend to provide and specify on a site plan their location.
Will the event need access to power or use generators? *
Specify if you will need access to power or will be using a generator. Indicate on the site plan where the generator will be placed.
Are city resources requested? *
Include information regarding equipment needed or personnel required. Be as specific as possible. Event organizer is required to reimburse the City of Tualatin for its direct expenses in providing event support. Events held on legal holidays may have special rules or restrictions.
Are street closures requested? *
The City of Tualatin does not typically allow the closure city streets for private events. Each request will be reviewed by multiple departments to determine impact to traffic and neighborhoods. If requesting a street closure please attach a route map along with safety plan including location of certified flaggers, volunteers, and barricades.
Will there be any signs, banners, decorations, or special lighting? *
Temporary signage is allowed provided that signs do not present a tripping hazard or inhibit the use of the park or public spaces for other users. Signs must be taken down immediately following the event. Please do not tie or staple signs to trees, the bridge, or other public facilities. Please use stand-alone A-frame signage or sidewalk chalk. Do not use spray paint or spray chalk to mark any surface. Use of spray paint or spray chalk may result in the organizer having to pay a fee for removal. Describe signage plan.
Will there be inflateable attractions, games, or rides? *
Inflatable attractions are prohibited in City parks. Please list any other attractions, games or rides planned for the event.
Will there be security staff? *
Indicate all public safety personnel (private security, police, EMS) which will be used, if any. The event organizer is responsible for providing adequate security for the event as well as maintaining perimeter and site control. If a professional security company is used, please list the company name, contact person and phone number. Expenses incurred by the City of Tualatin as a result of calls for service to the event, above and beyond routine calls, will be billed to the event organizer.
Supporting Documents
Please submit a copy of OLCC application if applicable
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.
Please submit a route map if applicable. Applications for runs/walks/parades etc will not be accepted without a route map.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.
Please attach a site plan if applicable. Items to include will be generators, tents, structures, or requested road closures.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png html pdf.
Submit security plan if applicable.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.
Submit a copy of application for Washington County Temporary Restaurant License if applicable.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.
Please submit any additional documentation needed to complete application.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png html pdf.

Insurance is required for all special events. The event organizer shall furnish to the City no later than 14 days prior to the first day of event set up public liability and property damage insurance. Such insurance shall: 
1)  List the name and date(s) of the event
2)  Protect the Permittee and the City from all claims for damage to property or for bodily injury, including death, which may arise from operations under or in connection with the permit;
3)  State the limits of liability as follows:
     General Liability of $2,000,000 for death or bodily injury and property damage
     Personal Liability of $1,000,000
     Per Occurrence of $1,000,000
4)  Be without prejudice to other existing coverage;
5)  Name the City of Tualatin, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers as additional insured.; and
6)  Provide that the policy shall not terminate or be canceled prior to the expiration of the permit term.


Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png html pdf.


Please read this form carefully and be aware that you are expressly assuming risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injuries.

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, federal, state, and local governments and health agencies recommend social distancing and other precautions.

The City of Tualatin has created new protocols and preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, the City cannot guarantee that you, members of your organization, participants in your programs, your child, your family, or others will not become infected with COVID-19.

Attending a City of Tualatin program, rental, reservation, or permitted event may increase your risk of contracting COVID-19, and may increase the risk of transmitting COVID-19 to others.


I acknowledge the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that I, my organization, participants in my organization’s programs, my child, members of my family, or others may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by participating in any way in any City of Tualatin Program, Rental, Reservation, or Permitted Event. I voluntarily assume the risk that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death.

I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at a City of Tualatin Program, Rental, Reservation, or Permitted Event may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, City officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and other participants and their families.

I voluntarily agree to assume the full risks of becoming infected by COVID-19, including loss of life, personal injuries, property damages, and expenses, which I, my organization, participants in my organization’s programs, my child, members of my family, or others may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with the City of Tualatin Program, Rental, Reservation, or Permitted Event. I also hereby waive, release, indemnify, hold harmless, defend, covenant not to sue, acquit, and forever discharge, the City of Tualatin and all officials, employees, officers, and agents of the City of Tualatin, from and against any and all rights of action, claims, demands, liabilities, injury, losses, or damages of any kind, arising in whole or in part out of my, my child’s, my family’s, or others’ participation in the City of Tualatin Program, Rental, Reservation, or Permitted Event, and in any way connected with exposure to or infection by COVID-19. This includes, without limitation, claims based upon loss of life, personal injuries, or property damages, sustained by me or caused by me in any relation to COVID-19. I agree to assume all risks associated with participation in the City of Tualatin Program, Rental, Reservation, or Permitted Event, and acknowledge and agree that the City of Tualatin assumes no liability whatsoever related to COVID-19.


I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and property by participating in this program. I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including loss of life, personal injuries, property damages, and expenses, which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with the City of Tualatin program. I also hereby waive, release, indemnify, hold harmless, defend, covenant not to sue, acquit, and forever discharge, the City of Tualatin and all officials, employees, officers, and agents of the City of Tualatin, from and against any and all rights of action, claims, demands, liabilities, injury, losses, or damages of any kind, arising in whole or in part out of my participation in the City of Tualatin Program. This includes, without limitation, claims based upon loss of life, personal injuries, or property damages, sustained by me or caused by me. I agree to assume all risks associated with participation in the program and acknowledge and agree that the City of Tualatin assumes no liability.


I hereby grant to City of Tualatin and its officers, employees, and agents, permission, with no claim of payment, to record my image and comments, regardless of the media used to capture my image and comments, together with the right to use, publish, copyright, and reproduce in whole or in part any such image and/or comment for use by the City for business purposes, including, but not limited to promotional materials, public relations, development, or any other legitimate business purpose of the City. I hereby waive any and all rights that I may have to inspect or approve any such image and/or comments or completed products which incorporate all or part of any such image and/or comments. I hereby release and hold harmless the City from any and all liability arising out of or in any way related to the use of such images and comments, including but not limited to any liability arising by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, illusion, editing, or use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur in the making or processing of the finished product.


Due to the strenuous nature of some activities, the participant, or of the participant is a child, the child's parent or guardian, is encouraged to consult a physician concerning the participant's fitness to participate in the program. In case of emergency, accident, or illness, I give my permission and consent for the listed participant to be treated by an emergency medical technician and/or medical professional and admitted to a hospital, whether medically necessary or as a precaution. I authorize the City to transport the named participant to the nearest hospital in case of injury or suspected injury while the participant is involved in a city program or activity. I agree to be the party responsible for all medical and hospital expenses occurred on behalf of the above participant.


I (we), parent(s) of, or legal guardian(s) for, the above participant, hereby consent to participation in this City of Tualatin Program. On behalf of the participant listed, I accept the waiver of liability, photo/video release, and medical release provisions of this registration form.


I do affirm that the foregoing statements and representations are binding upon me, or if executed on behalf of a Sponsoring Entity, are binding upon the Sponsor and are executed pursuant to authority. The information submitted is true to the best knowledge of the undersigned, and the undersigned shall notify City in writing at any time as additional information is known or the plans for the event are revised  which would alter the information and statements given.

Agreement *