Arbor Month

Diana Fitts

The people of Tualatin have long seen the health of our tree canopy as vital to our sense of wellbeing and as a defining characteristic of our community. A healthy tree canopy touches our lives and provides us the daily benefit of cleaner air, shadier streets, and the esthetic beauty that trees provide. The Tree City USA signs at Tualatin’s entrances tell visitors that this is a community that cares about its environment. It is also an indication to prospective businesses and residents that the quality of life is better here.

Tualatin celebrates the entire month of April as Arbor Month to recognize the many contributions that trees make to our lives and community. It is a month filled with events and activities to celebrate our leafy friends.

Festivities include:

Arbor  Month Kids' Poster Contest  Congratulations to all of the winners! Visit the Poster Contest page to see all of the posters that were submitted this year.

"Tualatin Trees" Photo Contest.  Congratulations to Diana Fitt for winning the 2025 Arbor Month Photo Contest. Diana's photo is featured on this page. Click on the link to see the other submissions!

Pollen, Pollination and Pollinators
Friday, April 11

$5 res/$7 non-res
Like to eat? Sure you do! Thank the animals--mostly insects, and more than just honeybees--that pollinate the plants that produce much of the food you eat. Do you have a pollen allergy? You probably curse the plants that produce pollen. But wait--not all pollen makes you sneeze or have itchy eyes. The process of pollination is as old as plants themselves, and the pollinators are as diverse as the plants themselves. Retired entomologist Robert Wiedenmann tells the story of pollen, pollination and pollinators.

Tualatin Library
Tree themed story times and activities

Put Down Roots in Tualatin
Saturday, April 5
9am -12pm
Atfalati Park / 6600 SW Sagert St
Join the City of Tualatin and Friends of Trees as we plant 1500 native trees and shrubs along Saum Creek.
Celebrate the importance of trees by planting some and by learning about them from the many local partners with tables at the event.
Backyard Habitat, Tualatin Riverkeepers, The Wetlands Conservancy and the OSU Master Beekeepers will be at the event with information and opportunities.

Hug Our Planet / Earth Day
Friday, April 25
9am -12pm
Browns Ferry Park / 5855 SW Nyberg Lane
Give our planet a hug by removing invasive plants from greenspaces within the Tualatin River watershed. We will tackle English ivy, Himalayan blackberry, Hawthorne and small invasive trees.
Bring out your friends, family or group to make a difference in our part of the planet.

Tualatin HIstorical Society
4th Annual Poetry Contest
The Historical Society joins with the City in celebrating Arbor Month. Your 200 word or less original poem will be evaluated by a panel of judges considering: its ability to capture the spirit of this event; reflections on Tualatin history; ability to entertain; and its technical excellence. All entrants will receive a one-year membership and winners will receive a gift certificate to a local garden shop. Winners are invited to read their submission live at the Historical Society’s April 2nd meeting. All entries will be archived at the Historical Society and published on the Tualatin Historical Society website.  Email your entry by March 16 to

Arbor Month Scavenger Hunt
Take a stroll through your local Tualatin park or trail and complete a scavenger hunt! Download the board at the bottom of the page, get outside and have some fun!

Annual Tree City USA Designation

The City of Tualatin has been recognized as a Tree City since 1987.
The City earned the designation by meeting four fundamental standards of sound urban forestry management:

  • Maintaining a tree board or department
  • Having a community tree ordinance
  • Spending at least $2 per capita on urban forestry
  • Celebrating Arbor Day

More Ways to Celebrate Arbor Month

There are lots of ways your family can celebrate Arbor Month together. Here are a few ideas:

  • Celebrate Arbor Month in a personal way by planting a tree yourself. It is an act of optimism and kindness, a labor of love and a commitment to stewardship.
  • Read a book about trees. Learn to identify trees in your yard and neighborhood.
  • Enjoy the outdoors. Visit a local park or take a nature hike.
  • Attend a class on tree and plant care.
  • Volunteer in Tualatin to plant native trees and shrubs through the Put Down Roots in Tualatin program.  You’ll meet new people and make a difference in your community.

For more ways to celebrate Arbor Month visit the Oregon Department of Forestry website!