Wellness & Longevity Programs

Tai Chi Class


Fitness Punch Pass
Participate in select group fitness classes by purchasing a fitness punch pass. The punch pass allows you the flexibility to attend the classes that best suit your schedule. Punch your card before each class you attend so you always know how many workouts you have left. When you've used all the classes on your card please turn it in and purchase another card. The fitness punch pass is available in 5, 10, or 20 class visit denominations and can only be purchased at the Center.
Classes eligible for the fitness punch pass use have a * next to their title below.
Fitness Punch Pass Options: 5 Classes $22, 10 Classes $38, 20 Classes $68.

The Pohl Center currently offers SilverSneakers® classes. These programs are designed specifically to help older adults achieve better health through regular exercise and health education. The SilverSneakers and Silver&Fit programs provide eligible members with no-cost or low-cost older adult-oriented group fitness classes through arrangements with certain health plans. The SilverSneakers program is provided by Tivity Health Fitness and provides eligible members up to 8 visits per month. The Silver&Fit program is provided by American Specialty Health Fitness, Inc, a subsidiary of American Specialty Health Incorporated, and provides eligible members up to 10 visits per month. Renew Active™, the gold standard in Medicare fitness programs for body and mind, is now at the Juanita Pohl Center. The program is available at no additional cost with UnitedHealthcare® Medicare plans and provides eligible members up to 8 visits per month.
If your health plan offers the SilverSneakers, Silver&Fit, or Renew Active programs, and you would like more information or to check eligibility, please call 503-691-3061. SilverSneakers Classic is the only class included at this time.

SilverSneakers® Classic*
SilverSneakers® is the perfect class for active older adults wanting to focus on overall total-body conditioning. Your instructor will guide you through a series of exercises using resistance tools to help build muscle and tone. Going at your own pace is encouraged!
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 11:15am-12:15pm

Gentle Yoga
This class focuses on finding more ease in movement through practices including breathing, postures (asanas), concentration and much more. The pacing of each session is designed to optimize movement awareness thereby bringing greater calm to the mind and body. Come for strength, mobility and balance, leave with a sense of more ease in daily life. (This offering includes floor work as well as standing postures).
Spring Session 1: Mondays, March 3-31 | 9:45-10:45am
Spring Session 2: Mondays, April 14-May 19 | 9:45-10:45am (no class April 28)

CLICK HERE to Register
Each Session: $38 resident/$48 non-resident
 | Drop-in: $9 resident/$11 non-resident

Tai Chi Yang 40: Part 1
This class is open to anyone who has completed the instruction in Yang 24. We will also learn the 12 step Qigong Form.
Monday/Thursday, March 3-May 15 | 1-2pm

CLICK HERE to Register
$132 resident/$165 non-resident

Tai Chi for Energy
This is a fun set that will give you a taste of Chen and Sun styles of tai chi. A favorite of many students and great for all levels including Beginners. We will also learn a Qigong stick set, another student favorite.
Monday/Thursday, March 3-May 15 | 2:15-3:15pm

CLICK HERE to Register
$132 resident/$165 non-resident

Tai Chi Fan
This is a beginning Tai Chi Weapons class teaching a Yang-Style 18 Fan Form. It provides great exercise and is so much fun! Participants must have completed instruction in a 24 Forms set or have instructor permission in order to enroll. 
Tuesdays, March 4-May 13 | 1:30-2:30pm
CLICK HERE to Register
$66 resident/$83 non-resident

Strength & Stretch
A perfect mixture of wellness! Use various equipment for full body strength training while integrating mobility and stretches.
Tuesdays, March 4-April 22 | 10:45-11:45am (no class March 25)
CLICK HERE to Register

$70 resident/$88 non-resident |Drop-in: $11 resident/$14 non-resident

Morning Qigong
Want a fun, relaxing work-out that engages practically every joint and muscle in your body?  Qigong is here for you! This ancient exercise originated in China over 2000 years ago and is still practiced today. It provides the foundation for tai chi. Indeed, tai chi is considered a form of Qigong! It is a gentle, meditative form of exercise that focuses on coordinating mind, movement, and breath. It has been endorsed by the Mayo Clinic, Harvard Medical School, and other major medical schools and organizations for its numerous health benefits. Come join us. You will learn two Qigong sets and more!
Tuesdays, March 11-May 13 | 9:30-10:30am

CLICK HERE to Register
$60 resident/$75 non-resident

Nia is a sensory based movement format designed to condition your body and mind. Nia uses inspirational and invigorating music along with dance, martial arts and relaxation. It is designed to create sensation, bring awareness to movement habits, and improve flexibility, agility, mobility, stability and strength. Bare feet recommended.
Thursdays, April 3-May 15 | 9:15-10:15am
CLICK HERE to Register
$53 resident/$66 non-resident | Drop-in: $9 resident/$11 non-resident

Intro to Nordic Walking
Nordic walking burns more calories than regular walking and is associated with reductions in depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and waist circumference, and increases in muscle strength and flexibility, walking distance, cardiovascular fitness, and quality of life. Join us for an intro to this enjoyable combination of cardio and strength exercise!
Monday/Wednesday, May 5-14 | 9-10am
CLICK HERE to Register
$19 resident/$24 non-resident

Line Dance
Ages 21 & Up
Join other dancers and learn some fun dances or just come for the great exercise! Partners not needed. 
Fridays (ongoing) | 7-9pm
Line Dance Punch Pass Options:  5 Classes $37, 10 Classes $71, 20 Classes $137

It is recommended that all participants purchase a punch pass ahead of time either online or over the phone. Please click the link above or call 503.691.3061 to purchase a punch pass.

All Ages Welcome
Do you feel like dancing, smiling and meeting fun people? Please join us at Zumba®! Zumba® is an effective combination of aerobic exercise and resistance. It provides calorie burn, improves coordination and posture, helps de-stress, tones the body and improves endurance and cardio. It includes a variety of rhythms and music such as salsa, cumbia, hip-hop and more!
Questions about Zumba? Please call Marilu at (503) 680-9377.
Thursdays (ongoing) | 6:30-7:30pm
Saturdays (ongoing) | 9-10am


Yoga for Veterans
Ages 21 & Up
Yoga for Veterans is a class where all veterans can come together to support each other and learn gentle stretches to help ease suffering from combat and post traumatic stress. Students will be guided to move and breathe to bring healing to the whole warrior. This program is for Veterans, their support folks, Vets' family members (spouses, widow/widowers, children, parents) and friends.
Sponsored in-part by Washington County Disability, Aging, and Veteran Services.
Saturdays (ongoing) | 10:15-11:15am (no class April 26)


Thank you to our sponsors: