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Fence Regulations

Derelict Fences
- All fences located within ten feet of, and approximately parallel with, a property line abutting a public street right-of-way designated as a major or minor collector, a major or minor arterial, or an expressway, by the Tualatin Functional Classification Plan, shall be erected in a skilled manner and maintained in a structurally sound condition in good repair, in conformance with all applicable Tualatin Development Code standards (TMC 6-04-155).
- A fence shall be considered derelict and a nuisance when one or more of the following conditions are found to exist: excessive physical decay or rot; cracked, crumbling, peeling, or rusting surfaces indicative of lack of maintenance; broken, bent, disfigured, or missing components or elements; left in a state of partial construction for longer than six months (TMC 6-04-155).
Public Safety Nuisances
- No owner or person in charge of property shall construct or maintain a barbed-wire fence thereon, or permit barbed-wire to remain as part of a fence along a sidewalk or public way; except such wire may be placed above the top of other fencing not less than six feet, six inches high (TMC 6-04-120(1)).
- No owner or person in charge of property shall construct, maintain or operate an electric fence along a sidewalk or public way or along the adjoining property line of another person (TMC 6-04-120(2)).
Rental Housing Standards
- Fences will be maintained and in good condition. Damage to fences must be repaired within 14 days (TMC 6-13-040(10)(i)). For more information, see Rental Housing Standards.
Special Exceptions
- Fences over 7’ in height may require a permit through the Building Department. ORSC 105.2(2)
- Permanent masonry fences may require prior approval through the Planning Department.