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Knifepoint Robbery Suspect Sought in Tualatin
On Monday, May 5, 2014 at approximately 8:50pm Tualatin police officers responded to a report of a robbery at Palm Beach Tan, located at 7184 SW Hazelfern Road, in Tualatin.
When officers arrived they learned that the suspect threatened the store employee with a bladed knife and demanded money from the register. The victim described the knife as approximately 4 inches in length, with an orange handle. The suspect was able to get away with close to $300 in cash.
Witnesses also reported seeing a second male waiting outside of the store and running away with the robbery suspect.
Tualatin police, with the help of a Hillsboro K-9 officer, conducted a search and dog track for the suspect, but did not find him or his possible accomplice.
The robbery suspect was described as a white male adult in his twenties with a scruffy beard, wearing a dark colored puffy jacket, jeans, black Converse shoes, and a dark colored baseball style cap. The suspect wore the cap backwards with a white bandana just under the cap. The baseball cap was described as having a gothic style “E” embroidered on the front. The suspect was also described as having noticeable bruising on the left side of his jaw, frequently supporting it with his hand and mumbling as he spoke, as though he had an injury.
Attached is a sketch of the robbery suspect and an image depicting the hat he was wearing.
Anyone with any information about this incident is asked to contact Tualatin Det. Jill Chapman, 503-691-4842.
Nothing further at this time.